Thursday, November 21, 2013

My opinion on the whole thing about 'Fiona Claribel Eirwen' on facebook.

Right so I just have to let my thoughts about this out.
As most of you may already know, Fiona is a girl on facebook that went viral over her makeup tutorial video on how to fill in your brows.
K so I've to admit, when I first watched the video I too thought wtf is she ok?
Because well, as humans we all judge.
It's just a matter of whether we choose to voice out our judgments or not.

I'm really contemplating on whether I should link the vid up here so tht those who hasn't got a clue what I'm going on about would know what I'm talking about. But honestly if I do more people would just start bashing her.
But just a disclaimer: I'm not trying to bully fiona or to make her video more viral or anything. I know my blog has a good handful of readers, but that's not the point at all. I just want to voice my opinion out in this post. Also. I'm not taking sides or trying to defend the girl or whatever by saying this. I repeat once more, it is my opinion. And yes I do feel the serious need to voice it out. With that said, should any of you feel the need to rage at fiona/bash on her more/start to insult her, then that's not really my problem anymore. You just go ahead and ask yourself why you've that strong desire in you to say such harsh words to a person that you don't even know/has done you no harm at all before. You go ahead and ask yourself if that would benefit you in any way at all. 

SO ANYWAY, here's the vid I'm talking about.

I HONESTLY don't know if she acted that way on purpose and posted that video up for attention, but in my opinion. Cmon let's be real. Who would actually go to such an extent of embarrassing themselves just for the sake of attention?
When I first watched it, I admit. I too found it funny. I showed it to a few of my close friends, we laughed about it, and that's it. I even added fiona up just to view more of her pictures because I thought she was simply seeking attention, and she accepted my friend req. And at the time the video was already being shared around facebook, but it didn't really get viral yet.
However overtime, when the shares hit 1000, 2000, the comments and posts people started saying about her and tagging her in, were just getting from bad to worse. It's plain disgusting.



  1. Do you know her?
  2. Did she ever intentionally harm you in any way?
  3. Does hating on her benefit you at all even in the smallest of ways? 
  4. It's her Facebook, her life, her rights to post what she wants. The block button is there for a reason you know. 
So, you don't know her. Yes, what she posts are clearly not stuff we see everyday. Her posts are different, to put in a harsh way, her posts are weird and hilarious. You've to admit too that her everyday makeup that she wears in all her pictures is extremely thick and unappealing. Obviously.

But, so what?
Stop right there for a moment. It's her face, not yours. I know, some of us would just feel that need to tell her smth like:

'You shouldn't wear your eyeliner like that, and red lipstick doesn't suit you. Try a lighter colour. And wear thinner eyeliner, there's way too much makeup on your face. You would look way better without all of that. :)'

There were tons of comments similar to this example, and yes I definitely agree with it. I too have commented something like that telling her to try wearing less makeup.
Sure, there's nothing wrong with giving her advice. Nothing wrong at all.

But what I mean it those people, who comments this once. then twice. then thrice. then four times. Repeatedly, DAY, AFTER DAY. Like seriously? LOL
CLEARLY, you've already given her your so called 'advice' one too many times and clearly, she doesn't seem to see the need to change her makeup at all. She likes her makeup the way it is. So clearly once more, it's obviously time for you to shut up.
It's her face, not yours. ahem. If she doesn't like your advice or doesn't think that your advice is right, then that's her opinion because at the end of the day, it is HER face.
So why do you even continue telling her what to do and commenting on all of her posts? Would you appreciate it if somebody did that to you?

Let's say you bought a bag that you love and you use it everyday. Then some random person, that you don't even know, comes up to you and gives you a piece of his/her mind telling you that it looks horrendous and that you 'should' get rid of it because it's the 'right thing' to do. What the fuck? ha.
And not only that, that random person comes back every single time he/she sees you with that bag and repeats the same thing, over and over again.
Oh and not only one random person, a whole GROUP of random strangers that you DON'T EVEN KNOW and DOESN'T EVEN KNOW YOU.
It's not a very nice feeling, is it?

You might just be trying to help her/advice her, and you repeat it again and again because to you it's like. She just doesn't seem to get it, people are laughing at her and everything she should really change her makeup blahblah. But hey, no. That's not up to you.
If she doesn't care about what people are saying (which she obviously doesn't really care about) and just continues putting on the makeup look that she likes, then that's damn right admirable don't you think?
She doesn't care what people are saying, how horrible the things people say are, or how many people are bashing her. She doesn't give a damn. And that's I wouldn't be able to do that. LOL
But well on the other hand, she might just be enjoying basking in the attention too. Be it negative attention or whatever, some people enjoys it regardless. Whatever kind of attention would be awesome to them as long as they get noticed. So I'll leave that up to your own thoughts to judge.

The harsh comments.

However, the people who insults her on her profile, comments that are totally uncalled for.
Just shame on each and every single one of you okay?
Do you get joy out of trying to hurt someone's feelings?
Does it make you feel better about yourself to make somebody else feel worse?
By stepping all over fiona because the majority are bashing her, do you feel like you're at some higher position?
Lol. Fuck you. FUCK, YOU. 
Comments like :

'omg, 看到鬼' 'sibei CHIO sia' 'Attention seeking bitch' 'hahaah you're such a cheap slut' 'gold-digger'

Etcetc. And best, the ones that people tag her in and post on her wall.

Like OKAY, so you feel the need to expose her and to let the world know how 'horrible' this girl is because in your opinion and from the things that you've read on facebook, she seems like a total gold-digger/bitch or wtv.

Why do you even feel the need to say all that when she has done absolutely NOTHING to YOU?

Can't answer that can you? Because it makes you feel 'good' doesn't it? It stands you at a 'winning' position because you KNOW that the people who are just like you are going to agree with what you said/like your post. You're going to feel all 'almighty' and shit. Well, fuck you again.
When Karma hits you and people you don't know starts doing all that to you, you'll get a taste of your own medicine.

'If you've nothing nice to say, then don't say anything.'

^ This is one phrase that I'll always live by. I too have learnt not to be mean to people the hard way.
Is it that hard to keep harsh opinions that you know would clearly hurt others to yourself?
Are you that insecure? Do you really need that ego-boost from people who simply agrees with you?
And also, it doesn't make you look like a very nice person when someone else reads the horrible things you say.
When you are there insulting someone, hurling fucked up words to someone's face. Someone else out there would be watching and although he/she might not say anything, but he/she would be right there judging you as well.
And just fyi, pulling someone down will never help you reach the top.

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